After a long summer it’s quite shocking how quickly someone’s aerobic system can diminish. So this month we are going to discuss a training method that will get you back to your best!

We wanted to share with you one of our favourite methods to increase your fitness levels, one which takes hardly any time at all. In fact, it only takes 4 minutes!

Tabata training was discovered by Japanese Scienist Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the national sport institute Tokyo, Japan. Their research showed that this style of high intensity training had a huge impact on athletic performance; in only 6 weeks results showed a 14% increase in aerobic capacity and an enormous 28% in anaerobic performance. 

This style of training burns a lot of calories and provides improvements in the glucose metabolism, acting as an excellent catalyst for fat burning! The Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) effect is off the charts!

How’s it done?

Tabata training should be done using one exercise where you can create a lot of effort in a short space of time. Good exercises to use would include battle rope slams, medicine ball slams, kettlebell swings, watt bike and deadmill sprints. Or you can choose something similar.

Using a 20 / 10 work to rest ratio, you’ll select your exercise to go ALL out for 20 seconds. Once you’re done, rest for 10 seconds before repeating a further 7 times (8 rounds in total).